I never make predictions………and I never will (looking back at 2012)


“I never make predictions………and I never will” – One of the most famous utterances of footballer Paul ‘Gazza’ Gascoigne which has passed into commentary legend, but actually makes more sense than we all think.

If experience teaches us anything (and it doesn’t) predicting anything is utter folly. To stay with the North East footballing analogy, last season Newcastle United were flying high in the league and ended up qualifying for Europe.

The darlings of TV and regular scorer of inspiring goals (Chelsea away) the owner rewarded the manager with an unprecedented 8 year contract. Last night they conceded seven goals and dropped to within three points of the relegation zone.

Fate and time make a mockery of all predictions so instead I thought I’d look back over the last year – only to find that makes a mockery of expectations too.

I started blogging in April primarily to connect and share with other communications people experimenting with social media in the public sector.
Of course I arrogantly assumed that the most popular posts would be my well thought out, professional, painstakingly described views on the latest developments in PR? Wrong, it seems most of you are far more interested in stupid things kids say and my Simpsons-esque parenting advice (see below).

The lesson is that what I predicted would be popular or interesting for people never was and the stuff I though would have an audience of two (including me) attracted the most readers.

Thanks for taking the time to read, like and share these posts and I’m amazed and mystified in equal measure that almost 4,000 people have taken a look, while 220 have made the time to comment or like one of my random musings.
All the best for 2013 and here’s a look back to the most popular posts (by the number of views) from 2012:

  1. By far the most popular postwas a collection of insults hurled at me by children Shame about your face dad
  2. Second place was some mushy baby advice from a Knackered dad: Having Babies
  3. At last, a proper comms piece from a magazine and everything Ten thoughts on getting social
  4. A really good guest blog from my friend @AnnaClareONeill Ten Tips for freelancers
  5. Some old school downtime with The importance of time offline
  6. My review of the most read book of the year Brand Anarchy by Steve Earle and Stephen Waddington.
  7. How social media really changed the way we market events #nlandfun
  8. The run down on selling Northumberland weddings
  9. A personal take on the terrible flooding that hit us in the summer (with pictures)
  10. How a national TV show helped us do our job in Northumberland in Welcoming Vera

Phew. That’s it for 2012 and as I’ll be taking a break from blogging for a while I hope you all have a cracking 2013. (Special thanks to @danslee @darrencaveneyand @wadds, @comms2point0 and @weeklyblogclub for the blogging inspiration)

All the best


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